Importing the Subpictures

Because the Main Menu and Chapter Menu are created from video, a separate subpicture image is required for each to define button hotspots.

To import the subpictures:
  1. If the ReelDVD Explorer window is not visible, select View > Explorer Window.
  2. In the Explorer window, navigate to the “ReelDVD Tutorial Assets\Subpictures” directory on the local hard drive.
  3. To view all files, click the All Files filter button in the top right of the Explorer window.

  4. Drag the 02_Main_Menu_Sub.bmp file from the Explorer window to the “02_Main_Menu.mpv” track in the Storyboard area. The dragged image appears in the Track window as a Menu-type subpicture.
  5. Drag the 03_Chapter_Menu_Sub.bmp file from the Explorer window to the “03_Chapter_Menu.mpv” track in the Storyboard area. The dragged image appears in the Track window as a Menu-type subpicture.

For more information about subpicture streams, see Chapter 3, “ReelDVD Work Areas” in the ReelDVD User Guide.

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